Faithful Citizenship

Faithful Citizenship is the mindful consideration of public policy and voting issues through the lens of the Church’s teaching. It is also a call to action to become involved with legislative policy and to exercise the right to vote, so as to protect human life, uphold human dignity, and promote the common good.

2023 Public Policy Positions

The WCC’s Public Policy Positions reflect the themes of Catholic social teaching and their current corresponding priorities as set forth by the bishops of Wisconsin, in concert with the U.S. bishops.

“The earth is our common home and all of us are brothers and sisters. If indeed ‘the just ordering of society and of the state is a central responsibility of politics,’ the Church ‘cannot and must not remain on the sidelines in the fight for justice.’”

— Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium #183

The Catholic Presence in Wisconsin

Million Catholics in 5 Dioceses
Catholic Parishes
Catholic Schools
Catholic Hospitals
  • Catholic churches and agencies across the state spend tens of millions of dollars annually to provide food, clothing, shelter, day care, elder care, adoption services, and pregnancy, family and personal counseling to persons of all races and religions

  • 1749 Priests and Deacons

  • 1645 Religious Sisters and Brothers

  • 281 Catholic elementary, middle and high schools annually educate approximately 49,091 students

  • 5 Catholic publications with a combined regular circulation of more than 80,000

  • Officiating at over 2,500 marriage ceremonies annually (Over 10% of all Wisconsin marriages)

  • 8 Catholic colleges and universities, enrolling over 24,500 students of all ages, races, and religions annually

  • 30 Catholic hospitals serving patients from around the world, as well as numerous clinics and long-term care facilities

  • Maintaining more than 600 Catholic cemeteries


The Wisconsin Catholic Conference is the public policy voice of the Catholic Church in Wisconsin. The WCC offers decision makers studied positions on legislation and other matters related to the interests and teachings of the Catholic Church. Through policy statements, testimony, and other resources, the WCC informs Catholics statewide and serves to promote dignity, preserve justice, and advance the common good.

The WCC offers many public policy and parish resources. Listed here are the most commonly requested items.


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